Hi Joe,

Hi Everyone,

Considering I've been using Rev for about two years now, it's almost
embarrassing to ask this question.

I have a field with three lines in it. I want to be able to edit any of those lines individually without changing the others. I can't seem to figure out
what the field settings need to be to achieve this.

No settings for this one, sorry.

I would (and do) use a "mousedoubleup" handler that can check the clicked line and then open an "ask Dialog" wehre the user can edit that line and write it back
to the field later...

Example, presumes that only line 2 should be edited:

on mousedoubleup
 put the selectedtext of me into tSl
 put the hilitedlines of me into tHl

## Check for editable line:
 if tHl <> 2 then
   exit mousedoubleup
 end if

 ask "Change this line:" with tSl
 if it <> empty then
   put it into line tHl of me
 end if
end mousedoubleup

Famous last words: Not tested, but should work :-)

Thanks in advance. I don't know how I'd manage sometimes without the group's

Joe in Orlando, Florida


Klaus Major

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