On Apr 21, 2008, at 5:51 PM, Colin Holgate wrote:

On Apr 21, 2008, at 8:34 PM, Mark Talluto wrote:

Anyone have any experience pausing .swf animations in Rev using RevBrowswer? I need to implement basic playback features like scrubbing and pause/play that we take for granted with the QT player. Any thoughts would be appreciated.

I think you would have to program that in the Flash movie. Is that an option for you?

Thanks Colin for your help. I am not sure I follow completely. What would I embed into the Flash movie that would allow me to pause? A controller? That being the case, then that may not work out as I need to play the video without a visible controller. I would like to hit my space bar for example and pause/play the movie. I did some searching on the net and found that there a some java commands that may be of help. I will spend some more time on it in a few days and report back.

Mark Talluto

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