2008/5/16 Trevor DeVore <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> On May 15, 2008, at 7:00 PM, David Bovill wrote:
>  Make it easier for the community to document, vote, comment and organise
>> these issues. As an example  - I would vote on this, but I find that
>> either
>> due to the upgrade to 2.9 or the fact that I have not filed a bug report
>> in
>> a few months - I've lost my login - it would take me 5 minutes to dig out
>> -
>> but that's too much.
> Hey David -
> I'm not trying to be confrontational here but 5 minutes to find your login
> info (which can be saved by your browser for future trips to QCC) seems like
> a small sacrifice to make in order to log information on a bug that is
> important to you.

Yes I know - just being honest. I was in a meeting - and had a few threads
to reply to - I click to vote on the bug - bingo login not remembered by
browser - so I drop it hoping to come back later - still not done. If
Wikipedia or any crowd sourcing interface adopted that  interface the
database would not have got off the ground. I think it took me over 9 months
to realise Bugzilla even existed - its not in the IDE, prominently on the
web site, or links in the footer of the emails from the list - it is
effectively invisible to only those that are active developers. It is an
old-school marketing attitude to bury "bug reporting" under the guise of
"quality control".

Its just too many steps relying on limited feedback and
> resources from RunRev - the list is really the only thing that works
> because
> of the choice of Bugzilla and the lack of easy integrate feedback
> integrated
> into the environment - a Revolution IDE should have "crowd sourcing" built
> in.

I think that regardless of what improvements could be made to the Quality
> Control Center it is important to use the system that we actually have.

Yes please everyone - use Bugzilla now as its what we've got!

Now where is my login....
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