One thing that might help is that if you have a point P that you know is in the polygon, then For any other point Q in the polygon, the segment PQ will cross the polygon(boundary) an even number of times and for any point Q outside the polygon the segment PQ will cross the boundary an odd number of times. A special case of that is that if it is a convex polygon (P could be the loc) then PQ will not cross the boundary at all if Q is inside and PQ will cross exactly once if Q is outside. Hope this helps,
   -  Mick
PS you might have to consider PQ running along one of the boundary segments if P is not chosen so as to avoid that

On May 16, 2008, at 1:00 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Message: 14
Date: Fri, 16 May 2008 11:35:39 +0100
From: "David Bovill" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Polygon geometry - any suggestions?
To: "How to use Revolution" <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

I am working with maps and geo-tagging media files - as part of this I need to work out if a point is within an area - simplest case a polygon, but this
could be a simple volume - that is a polygon extruded to the ground.

The coordinates are latitude and longitude in degrees - with heights in
metres - so a 3D point looks like:


and a simple volume based on a polygon (23 metres high) extruded to the
ground looks like this:


The question is how to determine if a point is within this polygon / volume.
What approach to take? has anyone done this before in Rev?

Ideally there would be a simple algorithm - but so far I can't find one - so a basic hack would be to translate the geometry to screen based pixels and
construct Rev polygons and then use the built in within(object, point)
function? Not the fastest and definitely hacky - any suggestions regarding a
better way?

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