
For the most part, I agree with your sympathies and, were I a full- time developer, probably even more so. I, too, purchased SC, but didn't find that it really offered me things I couldn't get from HC - at that time - with a little more effort; something I really enjoyed. Hey, I was up to my eye-brows in my own HC externals, and such, at that time to the extent of being almost a full-time developer. I, too - though reluctantly, work on both platforms these days, but I've never actually succumbed to buying a PC. Awkward at times, and always feel as if I'm walking on water with XP open - wondering if faith alone will keep me afloat, and hating the fact that I still had to buy an XP license from M$, but life goes on.

You're probably right, and I too would probably not have considered Rev if it were Mac only, though it appears I will probably end up using it that way. Thanks for your objectivity.

As a side note, with respect to searching for things - at least on Macs - don't forget Spotlight's amazing search capabilities. I've used it a number of times to locate specific items in Rev and other stuff. Even my drawings where I have notes and on PDFs as well. Of course, most of the time, you have to do a double barreled search once you have a document open, and not all are as good at that as Adobe's PDFs.

Joe Wilkins

On May 29, 2008, at 8:00 AM, Thomas McGrath III wrote:


I agree with the initial reaction to Supercard when Hypercard was free. However SC had so much to offer with multiple windows and Color etc. and HC was not being well supported by Apple at that time (the beginning of the end it felt like) that I felt I needed to purchase SC. Then the wait for a Web and/or Windows version of SC and it being passed around between companies and I finally gave up for Director. That was a big disappointment for me. Thank goodness that MC/Revolution stuck around and is what it is.

I disagree about this list being mostly Mac users though. I am a Computer user and prefer Macs but I work on them both side by side and both on my Mac as well. I know there is a lot of heated wars between some users but I for one would not even have considered Revolution if it were Mac only. (my 2 cents on that)

I have been an Enterprise licensee with Revolution since I first found it and have been glad to pay for it. It has changed my life and my future outlook on life (programatically speaking).

Tom McGrath

On May 29, 2008, at 10:39 AM, Joe Lewis Wilkins wrote:

I believe you might say the same for SuperCard. Kind of! My personal feeling is that when Rev was first released as MetaCard, perhaps as something else - my memory fails me, we had all become accustomed to HC - free for all to use; and we resented that someone was trying to get rich on what we felt should almost be in the public domain. There were a lot of hurt feelings. And it was still seen as a Mac only tool. It probably still is. Certainly, the majority of users on this list appear to be mostly on Macs. In many cases, here I speak for myself, I wish it were Mac only and we didn't even have to deal with everyone else. AND, believe it or not, there is still a lot of combativeness between the two platforms. Even here - as I'm sure I'll soon be made aware. (smile)

My two centavos,

Joe Wilkins
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