On Tuesday, February 11, 2003, at 09:01  AM, Gary Rathbone wrote:

It is noted that in registration forms, the user's name and
email address are pre-inserted.

Would appreciate info as to how such info is obtained. Would
like to use in a Rev/MC standalone.
I'm assuming you mean a web based registration form ? ie a user goes to a
web site and when they reach a form their name and email address is already
filled in ?
Bill Vlahos  provided the answer in the post before yours.

This may be done on the web through 'cookies' - ie the user has
registered with the site which then plants a small file on the users
machine. This 'cookie' is then read the next time the user visits that site.
You can see these on your computer in the 'cookie' directory. As these
cookies can be created in a proprietary format, and even encrypted,its
almost impossible to extract any 'useful' information from them.

If I've missed the point totally then please provide a further explanation
and maybe an example, and I'll take another look.


Gary Rathbone
I will leave the how to create a cookie bit to a later time. Not ready for prime time yet!

Gary, thank you for your reply. Appreciate it.

Regards ... Bob

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