I just tried it and what I told you was wrong.

You have your stack open in Rev.  Go to Rev Online to your myspace.
Select share from the file menu and this will take you to another window
in your myspace that will allow you to select the category, give it a name and enter a description of the stack. At the bottom click the button which
I think is named update.

That will list your stack in the field at the bottom. If you ever want to update the stack without deleting save it from your file menu immediately. Then
when you want to update you select it in the field I mentioned before.

If you do not go to the screen I described after sharing it from the file
menu it seems you have a problem and need to contact Rev about it.

On Sep 5, 2008, at 2:13 PM, Peter Brigham wrote:

Well, that's what *seemed* to be the thing to do, but the problem is that I don't have any stacks listed in that field at the bottom of the "My Space" panel -- it's empty, so I can't hilite any line. Am I supposed to do something to get that field populated with (I guess) a list of open stacks? Screenshot at:


-- Peter

Peter M. Brigham

On Fri, 5 Sep 2008 01:23:38, -= JB =- <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Have your stack open and then access Rev Online.  Go to your my space
and that little message explains how to do it. It is so simple I always get it
screwed up too.  Here are the details:

To share a stack, simply make sure it is selected (that means
selected in your my space file thus it is the line that is hilited) and choose share this stack from the Rev file menu while your stack is open. Please note if you want to easily update this stack you need to Save it from your Rev file menu immediately after you share it. Then you can just update if you do not do that and you want to make a change to your stack and post it on
RevOnline you need to delete if from Rev OnLIne and use the above to
repost it like you did the first time.


and then

Maybe it worked and you didn't see it.  Select the stack in your Rev
Online my space and then click on the Go to button. If it worked the stack will open. That means was properly saved by Rev Online but you just can't find it. It will be saved in the category you chose for it but it could be anywhere in the list when you view the stacks for that category. The last time I put a stack on there it was saved near the bottom and then when I deleted it to upload the updated stack it was saved in the same place. Then because I forgot to save it the first time it was put on Rev Online and wanted to make a minor change and put it on Rev Online I had to delete it again. This time that stack I shared online was put near the middle of the category. So it could be anywhere in the
category you selected when you shared it online.

It's not listed anywhere in the General category, where I supposedly posted it.

On Sep 4, 2008, at 6:07 PM, Peter Brigham wrote:

Well, after all this time using Rev I'm finally trying to put some
of my stacks into my user space in Rev Online, and I can't for the
life of me figure out how to do it. I *think* the procedure is:
open the stack, select "share this stack" from the file menu,
select the category, enter the name of the stack and a description,
then click "upload" -- but when I do this, nothing seems to happen.
My stack doesn't appear in what I presume to be the list of my
shared stacks in the bottom field of "My Space," and it doesn't
appear in the lists of user stacks to browse either. What am I

I must say, some built-in instructions on uploading a stack to be
shared on Rev Online would be very helpful. There is no help text
associated with Rev Online, and I can't find any info on this
anywhere else I've looked.... The user manual comes up blank.
Clearly I'm missing something, and once someone tells me how to do
this, I'm sure it will be obvious, but a well designed app
shouldn't leave the user this much at sea, I think.

An otherwise quite satisfied amateur,

-- Peter

Peter M. Brigham

PS: just tried out 3.0, seems pretty good. Looking forward to using
multidimensional arrays.... Not sure yet about the script editor.

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