At 5:10 PM -0700 9/29/08, Joe Lewis Wilkins wrote:
I downloaded a brand new zip of 2.6.1 from RunRev on line. On unzipping it with Stuffit on my Classic mac,

I misinterpreted "Classic Mac" as Mac Classic (Hardware, 9" screen) --- (hey it's possible to have one, but you can't run Rev on it).

9.2.2 ROCKS on a G4 you can boot from AND in Classic. The best and last build of system 9.

A Mac Classic is pretty much for macho collectors, but one can still run 7.6.1 and use a SE 30 as an SMTP server....ha ha

Hi Stephen,

I've been running 9.2.2 on a G4 a VERY long time. A little bit slow by today's standards, but it was my workhorse for years and years. Ooops! only 9.2.1. I thought I had upgraded it, but apparently not. (smile) I did increase the RAM to 768 MB, however, along with 30 and 60 GB hard drives. And it has the monster big Apple Display CRT. Got a hernia every time I moved it around. About 5 years ago, it went down on me and I had to pay Apple $500 to fix it - no AppleCare. But that's the only things I've ever had go bad in 22-23 years with Macs.

Joe Wilkins

(Maybe I should knock on wood?)


stephen barncard
s a n  f r a n c i s c o
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