
As I wrote in my previous e-mail, you should use WITH type and not OF type.

answer file "" with type "ICS|*ics|ICS "

You can add additional filters:

answer file "" with type "ICS|*ics|ICS " or type "All Files|*|*"

I believe that the ICS type defined as "ICS|*ics|ICS " should work fine, because the file extension is right, but if that doesn't work, you can choose All Files from the option menu in the file dialog.

Best regards,

Mark Schonewille

Economy-x-Talk Consulting and Software Engineering
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On 19 nov 2008, at 11:45, Thierry wrote:

Thanks Mark !

Here is about the confusion:

From the Dictionary Doc: -----------------------------

example topic:
  answer file (field "Prompt") of type "RSTK"
  answer file empty with filter "JPEGs,*.jpg"

a bit further, we can read:

The way file types are specified depends on the platform:
Filtering for Mac OS:  You can use either with filter or of type......

But, your examples do not help me in this case :-(

In fact, the files *.ics I'm looking for in a file open dialog, can come from different apps and from different systems..... ( just to make it easy ) and, these .ics files are by now, just plain text files coming from a Linux system. Looking the file Creator and Type with FileInfo, I only have "????" and "????"

So, does this means I have the choice to *not* do any filtering ?


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