Way back in October, Eric, Ken and others helped out with identifying special folders in XP and Vista, in which I could save shared and non shared data. (Because the system I used in my app previously breaks under Vista).

Having finally decided on appropriate locations and file structures, I have started to script a routine which checks on the platform, then checks in each location for the expected folders, and copies them there if they are not present.

Debugging is a bit of a painful process on Windows, because I am using Studio on Mac and testing under Parallels (XP). However, as far as I can tell, RevCopyFolder doesn't work as advertised on XP. In the Rev 2.0 language reference it states:

"The revCopyFolder command makes a copy of the entire folder, including all files, subfolders, and their contents. The folder remains in its original location and the copy is placed in the new location."

I only get the top level (i.e foldertocopy) folder created in the new location, with none of its contents, be they files or folders. I look at the result for each instance of RevCopyFolder after each partial successful copy, which gives me the numerical value '4'.

I know that RevCopyFolder seems to be very erratic on the Mac, but is my problem on Win recognised by others? Is there an easy workaround?


David Glasgow

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