On Jan 27, 2009, at 11:49 PM, Brian Yennie wrote:

If the file is in a custom property and you want to write it out, you can use "put URL into ..." syntax and write it out to the user's temp folder (see specialFolderPath()).

Thanks Brian and others.

With generous help from the list, I have been able to import a PDF, save it as a customkey, write the customkey to a disk file, on the desktop, and launch the file with Preview, all with simple Rev scripts. I didn't know Rev could do such things. This is definitely not your father's hyperCard. One last obstacle remains.

I'm fuzzy on "user's temp folder," which I guess refers to a folder called "Temporary". I just figured out I can find it with

put specialFolderPath("Temporary")

It looks like this folder belongs to Mac OS, not to Rev.

I'm guessing that the Temporary folder gets erased by the OS now and then, possibly on shutdown.

Am I getting the right idea?

Thanks again,

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