Hi Tiemo,

I had this sort of problem many years ago using other development systems. In every case it was an indication of a more ominous problem with my coding; usually, as I recall, a memory problem wherein something I was doing was overwriting the titlebar data.

Consequently, I would not suggest that you do as you are indicating you might do: just providing an empty name for the titlebar. Instead, you must continue to debug your coding to locate your "true" problem, the "disease" and not the "symptom. Sorry I can't be more help.

Joe Wilkins

On Feb 17, 2009, at 11:46 PM, Tiemo Hollmann TB wrote:


still trying to find a workaround for the bug corrupting the title bar (QCC

Because it happens at a minority of my betatests I wanted to figure out, if I have a chance to identify, if the title is still ok or corrupted. If it is corrupted, I wanted to set it to empty - an empty title bar is better as a corrupted - and if it is not corrupted, I could let it as it is for the
majority of the users.

Just getting the title and comparing it with the original, doesn't work, because even if it is corrupted it gets me the correct, original title.
Obviously it's "just" a rendering thing.

If it's not possible I think I have to set the title to empty for all users,
not nice, but better as hyroglyphs

Any idea, how to detect, if the title is corrupted or not for a workaround?

Thanks for any ideas


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