I'm wondering if someone could try this for me just so I know it's not something I'm doing wrong.

1.  Using Rev 3.0, create a new stack.
2. Use the menu builder to create a new menu. Just use the default settings for the menu bar, hit the autoscript button. Verify that Ctrl/ Cmd+Q is set as the keyboard shortcut for the File->Quit menu item.
3.  Add a "quit" command to the script for the Quit menu item.
4.  Build the app for Windows.
5. When you run it, does pressing Ctrl+q on the keyboard work to quit your app?

This is not working for me, and I know it has in the past. I think it's a bug in Rev 3.0, but I want to confirm that first. The thing that's strange is that there doesn't appear to be any good workaround for it, as it seems that the commandKeyDown message does not fire at all when pressing the q key. It does with other letters, however. I've tested this in my stack's script. Maybe there's something I could do with rawKeyDown. That's the only other route I haven't tried.

Other suggestions would be most welcome. Thanks.

Chris Sheffield
Read Naturally, Inc.

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