Here's a simple approach - it assumes that your "don't evaluate" button is a checkbox or other similar one whose hilited state is changed by clicking it:

-- script of field

on doThis
 if the hilite of btn "don't evaluate" = true then exit doThis
 -- followed my normal 'doThis' code
end doThis

on doThat
 if the hilite of btn "don't evaluate" = true then exit doThat
 -- followed my normal 'doThat' code
end doThat

Phil Davis

william humphrey wrote:
I have a data entry field with a bunch of scripts in it that do things like
search through a set of data by watching each key stroke. This is fine must
of the time but occasionally I just want to quickly put some data in it that
is not evaluated. Presently I use "contents" of the inspector to do that but
for the final program would like a button you press that says "edit field no
checks" or something and that button turns off all the scripts in that field
so you can quickly put in some data. The only way I can think to do it is to
have another field that pops up and you put the data is and then it closes
and enters the data in the field with all the scripts. I was just wondering
if there was a quicker way to do that
Phil Davis

PDS Labs
Professional Software Development

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