On 24 Mar 2009, at 22:58, dunb...@aol.com wrote:

If not a bug, then a gremlin.

In a stack, make a locked field with several lines of text. In the field
script put:

on mouseUp
  set cursor to plus
  repeat until the mouseClick
    put the mouseLine
  end repeat
end mouseUp

Move the mouse over the various lines in the field. You will get feedback about the line the mouse is over. However, if you move the mouse outside of the field, and move around so the mouseV corresponds to the "V" of lines of the field, you also get the same info. This only works (?) for the mouseLine. All the other mouseFunctions, like mouseChunk, only report the actual underlying text

I'd guess it's a gremlin. :-)

I'm always wary of using a repeat loop that waits for an event. I'm never sure what should happen to events that would normally get fired before the event that's being waited for. (mouseleave, etc) So there's some uncertainty (in my mind at least) of what the current "target" is.

The following script, whether placed in the field's script or the card's script seems to behave as you would expect.

local sTracking = false

on mouseUp
  put not sTracking into sTracking
end mouseUp

on mouseMove
   if sTracking then
      put the mouseLine
   end if
end mouseMove

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