Not sure what the requirements are, but there is a CoreImage page curl transition. This would be Mac only, of course. There's a core image sampler stack located in Resources/Examples of your Revolution folder. Version 2.6 and above I believe. Not sure if there's something similar for Windows or not.


On Mar 30, 2009, at 11:29 AM, Richard Gaskin wrote:

mfstuart wrote:
I'd like to animate the contents on a stack or a card or even a field, to animate the contents like turning a page of a book/magazine/ newspaper. It
would turn from the top-right to bottom-left. Or something like that.
This would have to be a cross-platform solution.
Q: Can the animation do this?
Q: can I do this without the animation engine, and do it with the RunRev
engine alone?
If so how?

Good news: the "answer effect" command gives you access to QuickTime's transition dialog, which provides a stunning variety of transition effects.

Bad news: page turning isn't among them.* :(

I good page-curling transition would be nice to have, but I'm not sue it could even be done with an external (is there an API for imaging unopened cards?).

You might consider submitting a request for that. In the meantime, you may have to make due with something like the "push" effect for now.

* Also absent from that QT dialog is the Ken Burns effect, in which images are moved, zoomed, and faded simultaneously during the transition. It's a gorgeous effect, and since it's used in multiple apps in OS X I suspect there's an API for it somewhere. But it's not in the QT dialog we get with "answer effect", and I've found no way to emulate it in scripting.

Richard Gaskin
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