Have you compacted the stack?
Check compact in the docs

Stephen Barncard
San Francisco

2009/4/1 Lars Brehmer <larsbreh...@mac.com>

> Thank you for the tip Sarah!
> However something is wrong. Terribly and strangely wrong. I made a folder
> with all photos, delete all corresponding photos in the stack, and
> reimported them as referenced images. The stack is STILL 550 megs! The
> standalone contains the following:
> 12 kb    the stack that is the standalone
> 36 kb    a second main stack
> 628 kb  all images in the in the main stack that are the icons and graphics
> of the interface
> 5.8mb   the referenced folder that contains the photos in question
> 2.3mb   the executable
> This adds up to about 8.8 mb. The main stack has 130 cards all with the
> same background group, so without the photos, it should be about 700 kb
> tops, so the standalone shoud be about 9.5 mb. But it is STILL 550 mb! And
> it takes 8 seconds to launch, either in Rev or as a standalone. It saves
> itself when it closes, which also takes 8 seconds. In both cases the
> beachball shows up.
> I opened a copy of the main stack and deleted all cards but one, including
> even the card with the 628 kb of icon images. I saved it, closed Rev and
> guess what? The stack file is is still 550 mb!!!!!!!!
> The build has nothing included at all, no ask/answer, no database support,
> no fonts, absolutely nothing!
> Has anyone ever seen anything like this? It is driving me crazy!!!!!!!!!
> Cheers,
> Lars
> by the way, in my original post below, it says 500 megs of images. that is
> not even correct (I just lookes at the file size without thinking.) There
> are only 5.8 megs of photos, so if I left them in the main stack, it should
> still be under 7 mb!
>>  I have a stack with a lot of images, about 500 megs worth. Opening  and
>>> saving the standalone is very slow, so I redid the entire stack and
>>> imported
>>> the same images as referenced images from a separate folder instead of
>>> simply importing them into the stack. I thought that the stack size would
>>> drop from 550 megs to 50 megs by having referenced images outside of the
>>> stack, but it doesn't - it stays the same size and is just as slow. Also,
>>> when saving the standalone, there seems to be no way to include the
>>> folder
>>> that contains the referenced images, and in the standalone there is just
>>> a
>>> grey rectangle where the images are supposed to be, obviously because the
>>> wasn't included in the standalone.
>>> What am I doing wrong? Have I misunderstood the concept of referenced
>>> images
>>> completely? I found no answers in the Rev docs and am a little bit
>>> frustrated!
>> If the size of your standalone hasn't changed, it appears that the
>> images are still stored as part of the stack.
>> You will need to clear them all out before building - put empty into
>> img "MyImage" will work I think.
>> Then your standalone needs to know where to find the images relative
>> to your standalone.
>> In Mac, the standalone is actually buried inside an application
>> bundle, which is a folder in disguise.
>> Get into it by right-clicking on the app and choosing "Show Package
>> Contents".
>> Drill down in to the folders and you will find your standalone.
>> Your app needs to look for the images folder relative to this
>> location. The easiest is probably put the images folder inside the
>> bundle, so it is hidden from the casual user. If you put it in the
>> MacOS folder with your standalone, you can use the same references as
>> for the Windows version.
>> Cheers,
>> Sarah
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