> A possible use I have for Rev Server Scripting Language, I like to try and
> sync my iCal with my wife's computer when I'm away, but not having a fixed
> IP address it is impossible unless I have her on the phone telling here
> exactly what I need. I'm hoping I could create a Rev Standalone that would
> start up every time she starts her computer and send it's IP + LAN address
> to my on-rev account. Then all I hope to do is access my on-rev account to
> discover what my wife's current full IP address is.

While it has nothing to do with on-rev, for this purpose I recommend dyndns.org.
Get a free account with them and then you can register your wife's
computer or your home network's public address so that it has a name
e.g. lan.dyndns.org. If you install the update client (available on
the dyndns.org web site), it will run in the background and update
their records every time you get a new IP address, so the name will
always get you to the right address.

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