Wow, Andre, that's the right attitude! Unfortunately about 9 of my older computers are stuffed in the attic of my house in St Andrews, Scotland, and I have yet to work out how to get them to
Bulgaria (especially my 'first love', my BBC Master Compact).

I had great fun 2 years ago, on holiday in Scotland, running up a whole pile of simple programs for my school using Runtime Revolution 1.1.1 on an all-in-one Mac Performa PC 5260CD and then
burning all the stuff onto a CD via my external 4x SCSI burner; lovely job!

I also managed to convert some Hypercard stuff of mine with Metacard and then use that as
a foundation for some new things.

Mind you, the built-to-order SCSI card I have in the back of my G4 Mac only seems to work
with Mac OS 9, and then plays funny games with my ZIP drive.

If I could get all my old Macs to Bulgaria I would probably use them instead of the Pentium IIIs
with Ubuntu as I believe their lives will be longer.

sincerely, Richmond Mathewson.


Judy Perry wrote:

Do you have the Newton 2010 fix?  Is it even done yet?



On Mon, 20 Apr 2009, Andre Garzia wrote:

I have lots of old machines here, my motto is "buy, keep it working, never sell", so I got everything, from old newton message pads to the latest core 2 duo here. Everything has a TCP/IP implementation with some kind of browser
so, as long as there's a web app available, no matter OS or CPU, I'll be
able to use the machine.
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