Because in this fast-paced internet world of ours, rumor and innuendo spread
fast, either from not knowing all the facts, making assumptions, or not
reading all of the information, leads to the needless destruction of
reputations and livelihoods.

Why spread fear about something we don't really know that much about?
Like I said, the only issue is the stupid domain name.

What they say on the site:
Facts Regarding CentOS and the Open Letter to Lance
CentOS is not dead or going away. The signers of the Open Letter are fully
committed to continue the CentOS Project. Updates and new releases will
The issues raised in the Open Letter have been raised privately literally
for years and a voluntary resolution had been hoped for and worked toward.
But progress requires follow through. We have tried contacting Lance in
private for a long period of time before this Open Letter. While we received
promises, there was no real response or follow through from him on promises
made. We are sure he is not dead, on vacation, or sick. Once we all decided
there was no movement in the matter we created the Open Letter. This is not
something that appeared just recently.
We would really like to continue the project using the domain.
That is one of the reasons for the Open Letter. But the developers will move
to another domain if there is no other option. Protective backups are in
place; hot machines exist to allow for a cutover with a simple one time
installation of one RPM package. We continue to refine our plans if this
might be the case, to make the transition as smooth as possible.

Stephen Barncard
San Francisco

2009/7/31 Mark Schonewille <>

> Hi all,
> My conclusion after reading the CentOS web site is: CentOS is dead. What
> indicates that this conclusion is wrong?
> --
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