I still am interested, same as when we talked about similar stuff in the pubs of edinburgh.

What exactly do you propose, do you need a url/host (i have a host, but no url, i do know people that have rev-community related urls who would share them if there's "real and helpful content").

What is there to discuss anyway? Chapter? Legal place of residence? Just go ahead and the ass(es like me) will follow?

I would like to have a place with three or four licenses described in layman terms, which are applicable to the rev ecosystem. Not sure if this even fits the bill for your idea, but having a "oss and rev" dedicated site would be nice in my oppinion.

Have fun

On 20 Oct 2009, at 10:52, David Bovill wrote:

If there is anyone who would like to discuss the funding proposals, or join either as a full legal partner, or as an informal associate partner maybe we can start a discussion off list? From previous experience I'd say that this list is best kept to discussions regarding code, and the use of Revolution -
I'm breaking this rule here just as a heads-up and invitation to those
interested in this area to help co-design this initiative :)

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