>  go url "http://www.tactilemedia.com/site_files/downloads/magglass.rev";

Recently, Alejandro Tejada wrote:

> this effect runs really smooth in my faster computer
> and a bit choppy in the slower one. (Could it be a factor of
> the dimensions of the Full Size image?)

I would suggest trying 2 things:

1) Place "lock screen" at the beginning of the mouseMove handler and "unlock
screen" at the end to force the screen update to occur in one step.

2) The large image is used at full size for best quality. It might make a
difference to swap out the large image for a scaled-up version of the small

> Full image size is double size of small image. (1024x768 vs 512x384)
> When I reduced the small image in your stack to
> 341x256 (one third of full image size) noticed that some parts of the
> small image are not scalable anymore. (For example, the right wing turbine.)
> How could we adapt this script to use with images 3 times or more
> the size of the small image?

Yes -- I updated the posted file online (which includes the lock/unlock
mentioned above).  Basically you have to determine the dimensional
differences between the small and large images, and use the percentages as
multipliers in the mouseMove handler.  As long as the smallgroup and
fullgroup have the same rect, it should work, even if the proportions
differ.  See if it works for you.

I wound up having to subtract 1 from the ratios but I don't know why. :-)


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Multimedia & Design

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