
I am unsure what revIgniter is designed, but, if your website is based
on it, it looks great!

A newbie question, about setting the base url in application/config/config.irev.

Everything works fine if I put the index.irev file and the revIgniter
folders in my root directory (kweto.com) and then set
gConfig["baseUrl"] to  "http://kweto.com/";.

I then tried moving everything to a folder below my root directory
(kweto.com/revIgniter/)  and setting gConfig["baseUrl"] to

That gave me a 404 error.

I'm guessing that I'm not specifying correctly the directory path on
my server. I've tried combinations with "/public_html/" and "/home/",
but still no luck.

Does anyone know what path I'm suppose to specify?

Or is this a cPanel issue?

Thank you -- for any answers, and to Ralf for what is obviously
outstanding work.

Nicolas Cueto
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