Le 26 nov. 2009 à 23:39, Sarah Reichelt a écrit :

> On Fri, Nov 27, 2009 at 1:00 AM, jim sims <s...@ezpzapps.com> wrote:
>> Can anyone give me the url to DL Sarah's calendar stack?
>> Seems that troz.net  is not working here.
> I changed the structure when I converted my site to On-Rev, but it all
> seems to be working. Maybe you had an older link that was no longer
> valid.
> Anyway, if you go to <http://www.troz.net/rev/> you should be able to
> find all my stacks there.
> You can search for Calendar, or click the link to show Utility stacks
> or All stacks.
> René's link (thanks for answering René) points to my irev-scripted
> calendar, which is not a standalone stack.
> Cheers,
> Sarah
Hi Sarah! I just had a look at your site and I see you state
Snow Leopard and Revolution

After initial testing, it appears that Revolution and the standalones it 
creates, are fully-compatible with Snow Leopard, although they are 32-bit 
applications, not 64-bit. However Revlets do not run in Snow Leopard's Safari 
unless it is switched to run in 32-bit mode. This is done by selecting the 
application in the Finder and using "Get Info". Then check the "Open in 32-bit 
mode" checkbox. Re-launch Safari and all will be well.

Well I am running SL 10.6.2 with 64 bit safari and the runrev revlet demo plays 
fine, as well as a basic example I wrote essentially for testing the embedding 
within RapidWeaver.

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