ON-Rev is a server side technology - that means it could never bring up a
dialog - it's headless, like PHP. You have the groovyness of Transcript, the
language on a server. VEry useful.
For dialogs and other client-side action, one must use Javascript and rev in
combination for input, or use forms. This is still the html-ruled world.
Examples abound. Check http://www.troz.net/rev/

If one wants to make a 'thing' with all the interface goodness of runrev -
create a plugin.

no other language/builder offers all of these ways
Stephen Barncard
San Francisco

2010/1/14 Tim Selander <selan...@tkf.att.ne.jp>

> More playing with scripting .irev/html files.
> Is there any way to put up an answer dialog? I have a variety of
> small text files I'd like to pop up over the main page to give
> the user extra information....
> the answer command doesn't trigger an error, but nothing seems to
> happen.
> Thanks.
> Tim Selander
> Tokyo, Japan
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