Jacques Hausser wrote:

> An I also received today an E-Mail advertising the RunRev Partner
> Program. I wonder... could it be something valuable (and affordable -
> they don't speak so much about the cost) for somebody like me,
> retired, developing little-to-medium freeware applications for
> researchers in biology and/or for students (and for fun) ? I have
> the feeling it's mostly for people earning their living with RunRev,
> but they say "no project is too small [...] for our team."
> I'm also a bit afraid that such a development will remove some of
> the spice and attractiveness of this list... if everybody turns
> toward his own and personal guru at RunRev, I'll miss the desperate
> calls for help, the very useful solutions and the warm discussions
> here...
> If somebody already knows this Partner Program from inside, many
> thanks for your advice.

It would be good to have someone from the RunRev team here to clarify that. I've read that email and the page it points to twice, and I'm still not exactly sure what's being offered.

I don't think you need to worry about this list, though. At least I hope not. RunRev has been in direct competition with the consulting developer segment of its user base for years, and fortunately they've put enough of the proceeds from that work into marketing that I've seen no downturn in work coming in.

It's hard to say what the impact of this new Partner Program will be without knowing what it actually is, but I suspect (hope) that it won't erode consulting opportunities which afford us the luxury of spending time here.

 Richard Gaskin
 Fourth World
 Rev training and consulting: http://www.fourthworld.com
 Webzine for Rev developers: http://www.revjournal.com
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