On Mon, Feb 8, 2010 at 6:16 PM, Andrew Kluthe <and...@rjdfarm.com> wrote:
> I am troubled by the lack of books out there on the subject, and am looking
> to increase my skill set as quickly as possible.  Thank you all for your
> speedy responses.

Andrew, I think maybe you have not realised that there is a 400 page
User Manual included with your installation as a PDF file.  From the
IDE top menu choose 'Resource Center'.  Once that is launched choose
'User Guide' from the left menu of that stack.  After that click on
the 'Launch PDF' button in the bottom right hand corner.  I would
think that is the first place to start learning Rev.

When I first started out with Revolution I bought a couple of old
books on Hypercard (the precursor of Rev).  I wouldn't think they
provide any benefit these days, and would be almost impossible to find
anyway.  So, don't let it worry you that there are no 3rd party books
on Rev.  I'd say that they're not needed and the old books are
probably as much of a hindrance as  a help. When I started out
learning Apple's WebObjects I bought every single book on it, and even
after reading them all multiple times, it was only after years of
working with it that I finally grasped how to properly use it all.  I
could say the same for many other technologies, where often it's
necessary to have a 800 page book just to find out how to use the IDE
(I'm looking at you, Eclipse).

In addition to the User Guide, it may also pay dividends to buy the
DVD of the 2009 conference:
I haven't seen the above myself yet, so I can't verify that the
audio-visual quality is suitable for learning details.

Until we hear about the quality of the DVDs from someone else, you
could browse the newsletter archive:
I've learned things from those newsletters that I would never have
dreamed were possible.

You might also want to look at the scripting conferences:
Those conferences were the inspiration and hard work of some of the
gifted people who provide us with help on this list and in the forum.

You've already discovered the forum, and this list.  When I started
out with Rev 8 years ago, we had none of the above, just this list!

And of course, there is the Nabble archive of this list.  I find that
with most things I can find the answer a) in the dictionary or b) by
searching this list.

I think there are many, many great resources for learning Rev.  I
might carp on about some deficiencies in Rev myself, but I have to
applaud the efforts RunRev have gone to when it comes to providing
information and training material.

Hope that helps you beyond this immediate problem that everyone else
is helping you with.

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