Its a US requirement and the deadline set by the Bush administration was
years ago but many (most?) countries cannot afford to do it. I never figured
out how they thought that if you were smart enough to do these horrible
things you would have a "real" chip in your passport. This stuff is like
squeezing a balloon as when you press in one area it pops out in a different
one. Unfortunately though the world runs on money and all the money goes
thru SWIFT.

Neal Campbell
Abroham Neal Software
(540) 645 5394 NEW PHONE NUMBER

Amateur Radio: K3NC
DXBase bug reports: email to
Abroham Neal forums: http:/

On Mon, Feb 8, 2010 at 1:43 PM, Judy Perry <>wrote:

> The Brits beat us to it on that one; it's a UK requirement AFAIK to have
> the biometric chip.  But I'm reasonably certain that the US is rather
> enthusiastically jumping down that same stupid rabbit-hole.
> Judy
> On Mon, 8 Feb 2010, Richmond Mathewson wrote:
>  On 08/02/2010 18:45, Jim Kanter wrote:
>>> Hmmm....
>>> "Che Garzia."
>>> Has a familiar ring to it...
>> Time to buy a beret and head for the hills.
>> Personally I am cheesed-off that my current British passport
>> will not let me into the USA because it does not have a CHIP
>> with all sorts of 'I don't know what information' embedded
>> in it.
>> --------------------------------------------------------
>> Next thing you know we will all have to have micro-chips
>> in our necks so we can be monitored by satellite . . .  :(
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