On Tue, Feb 9, 2010 at 6:24 AM, Josh Mellicker <j...@dvcreators.net> wrote:
> We have been experimenting with many combinations of syntax variants  for 
> "open process"/"read from process" to communicate with various command-line 
> driven executables.
> We are using a callback loop to read from process, and have tried from 1 to 
> 800 milliseconds to try and speed up response.
> We have tried read from process until lf, until cr, until eof, until empty, 
> etc.
> Things are working, but there is always about a 4 - 5 second latency in the 
> "read from process". Usually this doesn't matter, but in our current project 
> it needs to be within a second or less.
> So, I am wondering:
> 1. Is there something we could do to eliminate this delay, some syntax we 
> haven't yet tried?
> 2. Have other developers noticed this latency in the Rev I/O pipeline?
> 3. Would writing an Rev external that served as a middleman between Rev and a 
> command-line driven executable eliminate this problem and provide near real 
> time communication?
> 4. Is there another way to communicate with command-line driven executables 
> (other than "shell", which doesn't provide for a callback loop to monitor 
> output)

I use shell with the output piped to a text file that I can monitor.
Here is an example script that I use for pinging:

function checkPing pIP
    put specialFolderPath("Desktop") & "/ping.txt" into tFileName
    if there is a file tFileName then delete file tFileName

    put "ping -c1 -n "  & pIP into tShellCmd
    put " > " & tFileName & " 2>&1 &" after tShellCmd
    get shell(tShellCmd)

    put 0 into timeCheck
    repeat 50 times
        add 1 to timeCheck
        wait 1 tick with messages
        if there is a file tFileName then
            put URL ("file:" & tFileName) into tRes
            if tRes is empty then next repeat  -- file created but no result yet

            put wordOffset("loss", tRes) into tWord
            if tWord = 0 then next repeat -- file created but result
not complete

            -- if there is a file tFileName then delete file tFileName
            put word tWord-2 of tRes into tPercent
            if tPercent = "0%" then return true
            else return false
        end if
    end repeat

    if there is a file tFileName then delete file tFileName
    return false
end checkPing

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