Jim Bufalini wrote:

Just one thing Alex, you need to:

put URLDecode(the detailed files) into t

in case the file name has, for example, a space in it.
Thanks Jum, I didn't spot that.

But then, if the file name had a comma in it, I'd be caught out. I think what I needed was to URLEncode(pFile) to use in the filter :

on deletelastline pFile
   constant K = 1000
   put the detailed files into t
   filter t with URLEncode(pFile) & ",*"
   put item 2 of t into tFileLength
open file pFile for read
   seek to tFileLength-K in  file pFile
   read from file pFile until end
   close file pFile
put the number of chars in the last line of it into tNum open file pFile for append
   write empty to file pFile at (tFileLength-tNum-3)
   close file pFile
end deletelastline
-- Alex.
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