
Thanks a lot to Robert, Zrypt, Richard, Bernd who provided very helpful material and the others who chimed in helping to push along :-)

I have now an annual calendar with 12 lines, one for each month.
The days of weeks are in a separate field at the top of the display (not repeated for each month) The months are also in a separate field on the left of the main field which displays the day numbers.
The year is in a separate field too at the top left.

So it is easy to select any range of days either from a single month or across two (or more) months.

Oh! happy day ;-))

Best regards from Grenoble

---- the script -------

-- 03/2010
-- first script from Richard Gaskin, completed and improved by Zryip theSlug. (comments are from them) -- I only adapted it to my needs (months in lines instead of tables; several fields instead of a single one)

on mouseUp
   set useSystemDate to true
   put empty into fld "calendar field"
   put empty into fld "chMonths"
   put empty into fld "weekDayNames"
   ask "Quelle année ?" with last word of the abbrev system date
   put it into yearToMake
   put yearToMake into fld "theYear"
put createDate(yearToMake,1,1) into tStartDate -- Create the January, 1 2010 in your local language system repeat with tMonthNumber = 0 to 11 -- Create months for January (1) to December (12) put Cal(addToDate(tStartDate,0,tMonthNumber,0),"Monday") & cr after fld "calendar field"
   end repeat
end mouseUp

on createLineOfDays --to be put in a separate field at the top
   -- Make day names header: -- in AWEEK
   put "Monday" into pFirstDayWeek
   put weekdayNamesList(pFirstDayWeek) into tWeekdayNames
   put empty into aWeek
   put empty into fourWeeks
   repeat for each line tDay in tWeekdayNames
      put char 1 to 2 of tDay &" " after aWeek --after tCal
   end repeat
   -- Make 5 weeks + lu ma
   repeat 5
      put aWeek & tab after fourWeeks
   end repeat
   put fourWeeks & "lu ma" into fld "weekDayNames"
end createLineOfDays

function Cal pDate, pFirstDayWeek
  set useSystemDate to true
   -- Returns a plain-text calendar representation of
   -- the month the date specified in pDate is in.
   -- If no month is provided it uses the current
   -- month. Month and day names use the user's current
   -- system settings.
   -- Use current date as default:
   if pDate is empty then put the date into pDate
   if pFirstDayWeek is empty then put "Sunday" into pFirstDayWeek
   -- Verify date is valid:
   convert pDate to dateitems
   if the result is not empty then return "Error: "& the result
   put empty into tCal
   -- Make month/year header:
   put item 1 of pDate into tYear
   put item 2 of pDate into tMonthNumber
   put line (tMonthNumber) of the monthNames into tMonth
   --put tMonth && tYear into tHeader
   --put tHeader & cr after fld "chMonths"
put tMonth & cr after fld "chMonths" -- in an extra field on the left
   -- Pad beginning with empty days:
   put createDate(tYear,tMonthNumber,1) into tStartDay
   convert tStartDay to dateitems
   get last item of tStartDay
   if (pFirstDayWeek is "Monday") then
      if (it = 1) then
put 6 into tPad -- fix the case that the day is Sunday (value1) - 2 = - 1
         put (it - 2) into tPad
      end if
      put (it - 1) into tPad
   end if

   repeat for tPad
      put "   " after tCal
   end repeat

put createDate(tYear,tMonthNumber,1) into tStartDay -- create a date in the system's local language

   -- Walk through 31 days, stopping when we reach a
   -- number not valid for the month we're doing:

   repeat with i = 1 to dayOf(addToDate(tStartDay,0,1,-1))
-- the end value is the number of days in the month. To obtain the last date of a month, add 1 month and subtract one
      -- day to the first day of a month
      -- Get day number:
      put createDate(tYear,tMonthNumber,i) into tDate
      convert tDate to dateitems
      if the result is not empty then exit repeat
      put item 3 of tDate into tDayNum
      -- Pad it and add it:
      if len(i) = 1 then put " " before i
      put i &" " after tCal
      -- Go to next line if we're at the end of the week:
if last item of tDate = lastDayOfWeek(pFirstDayWeek) then put tab after tCal --cr after tCal
   end repeat
   -- Send it to the caller:
   return tCal
end Cal

function weekdayNamesList pFirstDay
  set useSystemDate to true
  put the abbr weekdayNames into tWeekdayNames
  if pFirstDay is "Monday" then
     put cr&first line of tWeekdayNames after tWeekdayNames
     delete first line of tWeekdayNames
  end if
  return tWeekdayNames
end weekdayNamesList

function lastDayOfWeek pFirstDay
  if pFirstDay is "Monday" then
     return 1
     return 7
  end if
end lastDayOfWeek

function firstDayInMonth pStartDate
  -- Return the first day in a month
 set useSystemDate to true
  convert pStartDate to dateitems
  put 1 into item 3 of pStartDate
  convert pStartDate to short date
  return pStartDate
end firstDayInMonth

function createDate pTheYear,pTheMonth,pTheDay
  local tDateItems

  set useSystemDate to true
  put pTheYear,pTheMonth,pTheDay,0,0,0,0 into tDateItems
  convert tDateItems from dateItems to short date
  return tDateItems
end createDate

function addToDate pStartDate,pAddToYear,pAddToMonth,pAddToDay
  -- Allows you to manipulate a date in a single pass
  set useSystemDate to true
  convert pStartDate to dateitems
  add pAddToYear to item 1 of pStartDate
  add pAddToMonth to item 2 of pStartDate
  add pAddToDay to item 3 of pStartDate
  convert pStartDate to short date
  return pStartDate
end addToDate

function dayOf pStartDate
  set useSystemDate to true
  convert pStartDate to dateitems
  return item 3 of pStartDate
end dayOf

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