On 08/03/2010 19:56, Lynn Fredricks wrote:
I actually liked the U3 idea, because it let developers
safely allow installs on removable media so they could be
used anywhere. It's all about DRM.
One can also do the same sort of thing with a Live Linux USB containing the 'normal'
RunRev for Linux version on it.

This has, to my mind, a significant advantage over the U3 - Windows idea, in that, RunRev Studio or Enterprise for Linux can spin off a Windows standalone, but the
OS on the USB key will not be prone to Windows viruses.

The silly thing is that Apple have been "funny" about a bootable USB version of
Mac OS X.

It should be comparatively easy to build a Mac OS 9 bootable CD with the last
Mac OS Classic RunRev on it; but one rather wonders why one would bother.
At Revcon II there was a guy from the company that gave a a
half hour demonstration. Lynn, you were there.
Yes, indeed - I invited them :-)

  I immediately lost interest when it was announced to be a
"windows only"
feature. Judging by the number of Power/Macbooks in the
crowd, I wasn't alone.

It was an odd moment of Rev promoting a platform-specific feature.

Well (b*tchy moment coming up), as quite a few features that function better in the Mac and Win versions of the current RunRev version one could say the same thing
vis-a-vis Mac/Win versus Linux.

One could also point out (and I can tell you that I do NOT like Windows), that whatever Mac and Linux devotees feel, Windows IS the dominant OS at the moment; and as the folks at Runtime Revolution have to fill their fridges, pay bills, and so forth, it
would be very odd indeed if they didn't take that into account.

I merrily pump out Windows standalones of my Devawriter, and, surprise, surprise, that is the version that is downloaded most. Frankly I would be a 'silly prune' not
to release a Windows build just because I don't like Windows - I want to
empower and enable as many people as I can with my little thing.

I DO SO WISH I could release a Linux version, but, until the font problem is
sorted out that is out of the question. Most unfortunate.

That's true - but consider also that it wouldn't be in Runtime's interest to
narrow all promotion to the cross-platform message. Cross platform is a key
product feature of Revolution, and it does it so very well. But if you are
also developing only for one platform that isnt the Mac, it shouldn't be
dismissed either as a solution.

There are Windows focused developers out there that have a negative gut
reaction (still) with products tightly associated with Mac. Whatever your
feelings about them, they still use the same type of currency as other OS
users :-)
Yup, Bulgaria is full of them.
One of the things I am very pleased about with releases after Revolution 3
was that Rev wasn't so tightly associated with the Mac. The more units that
sell, the better funded all Revolution development is.

It really doesn't do RunRev's claim to be "cross-platform" much good to be
tightly associated with any particular operating system . . .

This is why I believe that a spot more work on the Linux version would also
send a useful message :)
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