
>I haven't tried yet but I remember something on the list about editing substacks. It could have been that >someone had both a substack and a "real" stack by the same name in the same folder and they we'ren't seeing >the changes in the substack because they were editing the "real" stack. I'm sure this will probably work though.

It is fairly daft to have a substack with the same name as the mainstack: things are bound to get
confused sooner rather than later.

If it is important that the mainstack and the substack have the same thing written in their title
bars then give them different names but make sure their titles are the same.

After all if one has 2 stacks with the same name (whether 2 mainstacks, 2 substacks or ... ), for instance
called "SAMENAME", and you execute something like this:

set the backgroundColor of stack "SAMENAME" to pink

all sorts of things could ensue . . .   :)

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