Fellow Revolutionistas,

We have a new video posted on our site, and a new version of tRev
available for download today. Check it out:


Here's an overview of today's new features:

- Transparent Inspection will now fetch an object name
   * Control+space will fetch long name of object
   * Shift+control+space will fetch short name
* If source code field is visible, fetched object name is insertedinto code
   * If no code showing, then fetched object name is saved to clipboard

- tRev immune to socket closure by Rev IDE and plugins (even resetAll)
- tRev works offline; even after opening the Rev dictionary
- Decoder variable data with long strings no longer overwrites lines
- Decoder var data now limited in length only by available memory
- Hit escape really fast to close tabs. No problem.

You can now download and use tRev for seven days without a reg code.
Download links in the video post references above.


Jerry Daniels
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