Hi from Beautiful Brittany,

I'm sorry, but I'd like to open a discussion on the
following subject, but directly concerning Revolution.

With an iPad,

1 - Can I run "compatible" Revolution stacks ?

There is no keyboard, so maybe by replacing keyboard
functions with buttons, and resizing some of my stacks,
I could solve this problem.

2 - Can I key in data ?

I have seen no way of doing this !

.... and I won't even ask the question, can I run
IDE Rev development on an iPad ?

Perhaps,  rather than asking for a list of what I
CAN do on an iPad, would you like to tell me what
a Rev user CAN'T do ?

This will help me decide on whether to lay out more
than $500 dollars, because if it is just for reading
books, I think I will pass.

Sorry to rock the boat, because I DIG Apple ....


"Nothing should ever be done for the first time.....
but I love trying ...."

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