On 11/04/2010 01:52, Richard Gaskin wrote:
Peter Alcibiades wrote:
Here is the recipe.

Open a stack with plenty of buttons and scripts.

Now open any script in the editor.

Use the property inspector to get the properties of a given field

Select and copy the name of the field

Paste it into the script.  I think I used middle click, but think I have
also used control-v in the past.

It should freeze, flickering rapidly. Then when you close the window of the
editor, the whole IDE crashes.

I just followed that recipe to the letter, using Rev v4.0 on Ubuntu 9.10/Gnome 2.28.1.

To test I used a copy of my WebMerge stack, with just under 300 objects on its card. The script I used was the main processing engine for the app, more than 4600 lines worth.

Worked a treat.

So I kept trying, copying text from the Inspector, elsewhere in the script, pasting all over the place, drag-n-drop -- all worked fine.

I don't know enough about either your system or Rev to guess where the problem lies, but here I can't reproduce it on Ubuntu.


I'm off for a walk on the hills today [Not a bad idea for Peter as well judging by things . . . :) ], and will try to reproduce this this evening. As I have previously stated; my only 'grunts' about RunRev for linux relate to fonts, and to a lesser extent, printing.
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