On 18/04/2010 14:29, Haroldo Mauro Jr. wrote:
Hi everybody, I just joined this list. I used Hypercard for many years, since I 
got my first Mac in 1991. Then, some years ago swiched to  Supercard, which 
I've been using a lot.  I've had Revolution Studio for over a year but only now 
am trying to use it more steadly. So, here's what I need help with right now.
In a converted Hypercard stack, an arrowKey handler in the stack script is not 
behaving as expected. So I checked the Revolution dictionary and found this 
example below, which I tested on my stack and it didn't work, just the same:

(example from Rev dictionary)
on arrowKey theKey -- make Up arrow go to the first card
   if theKey is "up" then go to card 1
   else pass arrowKey
end arrowKey

Just tried that script: NO; doesnt work: documentation is misleading.
Instead of going to card 1 it kept going to the next card each time I pressed 
the up arrow key, and after the last card the stack just closed.

Here's my original handler, from the Hypercard stack script, which doens't work:
(handler is in stack script)
on arrowKey whichKey
   if whichKey is "right" then
     if the optionKey is down then
       go first card of next bg
       go next card of this bg
     end if
   end if
   if whichKey is "left" then
     if the optionKey is down then
       go last card of previous bg
       go previous card of this bg
     end if
   end if
end arrowKey

Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.

My experience favours rawKeyDown:

on rawKeyDown  RAWK
  if RAWK is 65363 then go to card 1
else pass rawKeyDown
end rawKeyDown

of course finding the keynumbers is a bit of a pain, so
why not download this little thingy to make your life
a bit easier:


all the best, Richmond.
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