Hi Richmond,

You need unicode fonts that are compatible with Mac OS 9. Rev may work with unicode in Mac OS 9, but it will probably crash at some point. I don't think that any unicode features changed until 2.8 or 2.9 (which aren't available for Mac OS 9).

Best regards,

Mark Schonewille

Economy-x-Talk Consulting and Software Engineering
Homepage: http://economy-x-talk.com
Twitter: http://twitter.com/xtalkprogrammer

We have updated TwistAWord. Download TwistAWord 1.1 at http://www.twistaword.net

Op 19 apr 2010, om 13:53 heeft Richmond Mathewson het volgende geschreven:

Can anybody tell me:

1. When RR became as fully unicode compliant as it it now?

2. Whether Classic builds ever functioned fully with Unicode?

I tried this with RunRev 2.0.1:

on mouseUp
 set the useUnicode to true
 set the unicodeText of fld "fTEXT" to numToChar(2325)
end mouseUp

and it worked a charm, BUT on doing this:

on mouseUp
 set the useUnicode to true
 set the unicodeText of fld "fTEXT" to numToChar(57386)
end mouseUp

I got a generic 'ugly' instead of the complicated char
I wanted.

Cross-tested this with RunRev 4; no problems there.

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