Can we put this to sleep now??????

On Apr 26, 2010, at 1:56 PM, Richmond Mathewson wrote:

> On 26/04/2010 20:44, Bob Sneidar wrote:
>> GAWD you guys! Everyone loves the underdog, that is until he succeeds, and 
>> then he becomes Darth Vader to everyone.
>> Every despot starts out at least thinking he is making the world a better 
>> place. But then, supposing you are the "benevolent dictator", what do you do 
>> with all the other guys who also want to make the world a better place, but 
>> their idea of better is the polar opposite of yours, and they are 
>> demonstrating (sometimes violently) outside your office building? Well yer 
>> gonna hafta round em up, which is going to piss off their friends and 
>> family, who heretofore may not have exactly been against you, but now they 
>> sure are! So you have more and more people who disagree with you, so you 
>> have to do something about them now. Before you know it the whole country is 
>> against you, and you were only trying to make things better! Oh the 
>> injustice!
>> I'm just glad Steve Jobs is not trying to take over the world. (Is he?)
>> Bob
> Every dog has his day; then he gets rounded up by the dog pound people and
> (if he's lucky) gets humanely put to sleep; because, otherwise, he gets too 
> big for his
> boots and h*mps all the other dogs.
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