Claus Dreischer wrote:
The problem was here was indeed the hilite.
        put "hello world" into the selection
        put "hello world" after the selection
in a button works.

Putting one of the above into a popup button doen't work.

So, is there a way to somehow "store" the selection before it get lost?
Can i insert text into a field from a popup button?

You have a couple of choices. The easiest is to just turn off auto-hilite and substitute your own handlers. On mousedown, hilite the button, on mouseUp and mouseRelease, unhilite it.

The second way is to use a local script variable to store the selectedchunk. When the button is released, reselect the stored chunk:

local sStoredChunk

on mouseDown
 put the selectedchunk into sStoredChunk
end mouseDown

on mouseUp
 select sStoredChunk
end mouseUp

on mouseRelease
 select sStoredChunk
end mouseRelease

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |
HyperActive Software           |
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