"Ne bâtissons pas l'avenir sur le ressentiment" — Nietzsche

Le 12 mai 2010 à 17:55, David C. a écrit :

> This is more of an editorial comment rather than adding anything much
> of real value to the discussion, but here goes...
> RunRev offers some awesome products and this list community is just
> about as good as it gets anywhere. With that said, I can add that
> although I sincerely admire what you folks have planned for Rodeo, it
> is highly unlikely that I'll ever become a customer or user.
>> You don't need revServer, On-Rev, revPlugin, revMobile or even Revolution
>> IDE to use Rodeo. You don't even need to get online storage for you web
>> apps as that's included in Rodeo's small monthly fee.
> What it *does* require though, is the purchase or ownership of Apple
> hardware (the iPad for sure and/or a Mac computer should the Windows
> version not come about) and I have no intentions of ever "going there"
> again.
> Apple's restrictive and unwarranted policies have cost them (and
> Rodeo) at least one customer for the future. As much as I enjoy the
> functionality, ownership of the iPhone even feels a bit "dirty" to me
> now. An Android phone will most likely be in my future.
> I've become a customer to many of you here that offer Rev related
> products... just purchased the conference dvd's, should have a
> RevServer account by the end of the week and have plans to upgrade to
> the Enterprise edition and/or add RevMobile sometime in the near
> future.
> I try to be supportive to all of you offering Rev related products
> that I need or can use (like Rodeo), but not at the expense --no pun
> intended-- of owning or purchasing Apple hardware in the future.
> A sad state of affairs, huh?
> Best regards,
> David C.
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