On Mon, May 24, 2010 at 12:08 AM, <roger.e.el...@sealedair.com> wrote:

>  I see these low cost pad type devices becoming the future grandpa's
> computer.
> Have to agree with this one. My completely unscientific survey at an Apple
store recently noted that of all 6 purchases I witnessed, 1 was a Uni
student who bought a MacBook whilst the other 5 who bought iPads (well put
their name on a list because the 3Gs were all sold out) were all 60+ and
some mentioned they had a Kindle and the main purpose of the iPad purchase
was to read.

When I got home I rang my Mum (70+ y/o) with the intent on making some
subtle inquiries about if she knew what a Kindle was etc, to gauge whether
it was something she might use. To my surprise she was fully aware of what
an iPad was, and has every intention of purchasing one as soon as they
become available in her country.

The reason, a smart phone is way too small for any useful reading, she
regularly drags a laptop to the State Library but feels it's too big, so a
Pad style device seems to be the perfect compromise. She considered the
Kindle too limited in scope for the work she has to do at the Library and
was already aware of iApps that existed that were going to be 'very

My Mum is an Windows user, is aware of my Apple tendancies, but due to how
far away I live, my brothers, who consider Steve the anti-christ, ensure Mum
is kept well clear of such uncleanliness. I must say I was very surprised.
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