
RevServer is a new product, it is an engine for creating web apps not unlike
php. It is easier to use than old Rev CGI system since you can mix HTML and
RevTalk. It also includes an include command so that you can organize and
share your code in text files instead of stacks which is a boon.

Right now, RevServer is only available at the service but it will
be released to the rest of the world someday.


On Wed, Jun 2, 2010 at 7:13 AM, Sarah Reichelt <>wrote:

> On Wed, Jun 2, 2010 at 7:47 PM, Kee Nethery <> wrote:
> > Took the survey and saw mention of revServer. Not something I am familiar
> with. When I go to the RunRev web site and search for revServer it appears
> there are tutorials but no product information. None of the web site menus
> list revServer as a product.
> >
> > Is revServer an unreleased product? Or is it functionality in the
> enterprise edition that I can have IT install on some of our production
> servers?
> >
> > Are there docs on how to use it? Lynn's question asking for a CGI version
> said that it is an Apache module which is exactly what I want.
> >
> > Pointers to docs and downloads would be most welcome.
> At the moment only available through a subscription to On-Rev.
> Docs are limited, though you get a read me if you sign up. Basically
> it's like PHP as it provides server-side scripting.
> There are a couple of lessons on revServer at the RunRev lessons site.
> I have some examples at the On-Rev section of my site:
> <>
> Cheers,
> Sarah
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