On 06/12/2010 12:28 PM, Mark Schonewille wrote:

I've seen your posts on this subject several times now and I never thought it was a real problem. I have now actually done a test on Win XP, building a standalone on a PC, zipping it and copying it over to a Mac OS X Leopard machine. The standalone runs fine. Under which circumstances doesn't the standalone run exactly?

Best regards,

Mark Schonewille

Economy-x-Talk Consulting and Software Engineering
Homepage: http://economy-x-talk.com
Twitter: http://twitter.com/xtalkprogrammer

Economy-x-Talk is always looking for new projects. Contact me for a quote http://economy-x-talk.com/contact.html Download Clipboard Link http://clipboardlink.economy-x-talk.com and share the clipboard of your computer over the local network.

On 12 jun 2010, at 04:32, Richard Gaskin wrote:

...if that system is Linux.

Earlier here we discussed the difficulty of making Mac builds from other OSes, and at the time we were focused on Windows.

I just ran this simple test on Ubuntu 10.04:

1. Make a Mac standalone
2. Zipped it
3. Copied the Zip file via USB drive (FAT16, FWIW) to my Mac
4. Unzipped it
5. Double-clicked it

RESULT: Ran just fine.

Apparently since both OS X and Linux have the same Unix executable bit, it carries over across platforms.

I've been lusting after the Lemur UltraThin from System76:

I'm not surprised: it looks fantastic.

My only worry would be if something went wrong and I had to open the case.

Knowing that I can build for all three platforms from that system pushes a bit closer to getting one....

Richard Gaskin
Fourth World Media Corporation

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