Thierry gave you the answer earlier today with a repeat loop.
The better solution would not use an array for this task.

On Jun 20, 2010, at 6:07 AM, René Micout wrote:

I have also this case : no variable but object (button) name :

  repeat with i = 1 to 21
put "set the backColor of btn" && quote & "btnHarmo"& i & quote && "to 89,149,218" into vxA ; do vxA
  end repeat

is array solution possible ?

or it is necessary to do :

set the backColor of btn "btnHarmo1" to 89,149,218
set the backColor of btn "btnHarmo2" to 89,149,218
set the backColor of btn "btnHarmo3" to 89,149,218
set the backColor of btn "btnHarmo21" to 89,149,218

Jim Ault
Las Vegas

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