Thanks for testing that, most helpful! We don't know what the fix will be yet, but just figuring out the cause goes a long way towards being able to find a fix! It's extremely difficult to fix something without knowing the cause :)



On 25 Jun 2010, at 17:34, wrote:

On 06/25/2010 at 12:14 PM, Heather Nagey <> wrote:
Oh, he's not the only one who cannot make this crash. The team here at
RR have been trying to crash this for several days on a variety of
setups with different versions of Flash without any "success" at all.

We have a new theory, maybe you folks can try this out for us. Maybe
it is the localized advertising on youtube that is the difference.
Perhaps US ads crash and UK ads don't?

You can turn off youtube ads in Internet Explorer by clicking the
'Close Ad' button in top right of the youtube screen. Then  shutdown
IE and
load up RevBrowser. Does it still crash?

Crossing fingers that the answer is no :)



That worked for me Heather (WinXp, IE6).  But what will be done to
revBrowser so the end-user doesn't have to workaround whatever is actually
causing this?

~Roger Eller

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Heather Nagey
Customer Services Manager
RunRev - Software construction for everyone
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