stephen barncard wrote:

On 26 June 2010 09:23, Richard Gaskin wrote:
This keeps the stack file small enough to be extremely portable
(I'm migrating a lot of tools to cloud storage - look for *RevCloud*
coming soon to RevNet this summer; think devolution on serious
steroids and focused on collaborative workflows)...

RevCloud?? wha?

ok Richard, you've opened the door.... now you must tell us more...
( I didn't want that to rhyme.)

It's okay if what you wrote rhymes. It happens here from time to time. It might seem like something you should avoid, but too much effort would be paranoid. So if what you wrote comes out that way just be glad that it says what you had to say.


I reluctant to put too much effort into selling things that aren't shipping yet. The proof will be in the pudding, and it won't matter much until you have a spoon in hand and are ready to taste it for yourself.

But RevCloud's moving along well enough that it doesn't hurt to at least give a heads up about it.

And besides, there there's nothing to sell: RevCloud will be free.

So here's the skinny:

Over the last decade most of my projects have had between three and five developers working on them, and the more I learn about this community the more I realize these are pretty typical team sizes for the sorts of projects for which Rev is a good fit.

Such distributed workflows open up great opportunities to leverage collective knowledge and experience, but also present a variety of challenges in coordinating the team for optimal effectiveness.

RevCloud makes it easier to support multi-developer teams by providing a collection of tools tailored specifically for the sort of work we do in Rev.

Even better, the tools in RevCloud are just the icing. Beneath them is a tasty layer cake of client and server libraries from which you can build all sorts of other tools to support your team.

I could write more about this, and will soon, but to keep this list on topic I'll post those details in RevNet.

It'll be a few more weeks before the cake is out of the oven, as I have a couple pressing client deadlines to meet first. I'll drop a note here when RevNet has been updated....

 Richard Gaskin
 Fourth World
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