Gosh, there's that professorship in Sanskrit poetry at the University
of Vaikuntha just coming up; wouldn't your Mum be proud!

Ahh; but Devawriter Pro demo 3 is export-crippled so I cannot send a sample
of my Sanskrit poems in the post.

Fear Not!

'Tis Devawriter Pro Demo 3.1 folks . . .  :)

With new, improved Tilaka. And for those of you who are getting "FFFed off" the use of function keys 'F2' and 'F3' for toggling between consonants and vowels has been replaced
by a bidirectional TAB key. More hidden benefits under the hood.

And. . .

An export-crippled (RTF and JPG now functional) Demo version of
my 3.1 release candidate is available here:


go, get it, and get typing; before you know it you'll bag that professorship.

Oh, Yes, 'Hamsadutta', don't forget to sign the poems
calligraphically witha swan's feather.

sincerely, Richmond Mathewson.

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