You do indeed need a 'do' statement - but the first half of the statement (dealing with the field) doesn't need it, only the second half.
So I would find it more readable to do

   put (fld "field" & i) into temp
   do "put temp into quote & "tVar" & quote & i

OK, it's marginally inefficient, but who cares compared to the readability :-)

-- Alex.

On 10/07/2010 00:34, Bob Sneidar wrote:
You need a do statement. Otherwise you would need Macro Substitution which 
Runrev does not support.

put "put fld"&&  quote&  "Field"&  i&  quote&&  "of group"&  quote&  AllFields&  quote&&  
"into tvar"&  i into theCommand
do theCommand -- careful of line wraps

Easier to read is:
put "put fld fieldi of group allfields into tvari" into theCommand
replace "fieldi" with quote&  "field"&  i&  quote in theCommand
replace "allfields" with quote&  "allfields"&  quote in theCommand
replace "tvari" with quote&  "tVar"&  i&  quote in theCommand
do theCommand -- remembering to check Bob for mistakes in his code


On Jul 9, 2010, at 4:23 PM, David C. wrote:

Good grief! Will someone be so kind as to show me the proper way to
format my script...

Let's say I have the following

1 group named "AllFields" containing:
10 text fields, named Field1...Field10
10 temporary variables named tVar1...tVar10

All I want to do, using a loop, is to put the user supplied data
contained in each field into the corresponding, like-named variable. I
thought I could do something easy like this

repeat for i = 1 to 10
put fld "Field"&  i of grp "AllFields" into tVar&  i
end repeat

I know that I've done this before, but so far I've yet to find the
right format that will not cause an error when compiling the script
-and- would greatly appreciate it if some kind soul would rescue me
from this madness.

FWIW, I recently had another fifty-something birthday, so I'm blaming it
all on an increasing case of dementia. As in:

"Dementia (meaning "deprived of mind") is a serious loss of cognitive
ability in a previously unimpaired person, beyond what might be
expected from normal ..."

Best regards,
David C.
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