On 07/10/2010 02:23 AM, David C. wrote:
Good grief! Will someone be so kind as to show me the proper way to
format my script...

'the proper way" . . . Um; that is  slightly funny as, unlike
Fortran IV (what a pain it was) there is no strict set of
rules as to how to format a script.

This is both RunRev's strength and its weakness; insofar
as there are multiple solutions to almost everything.

Let's say I have the following

1 group named "AllFields" containing:
10 text fields, named Field1...Field10
10 temporary variables named tVar1...tVar10

All I want to do, using a loop, is to put the user supplied data
contained in each field into the corresponding, like-named variable. I
thought I could do something easy like this

"All I want is a room with a view . . . " (mind you, from what I know of lunatic asylums,
not many of them have cells with nice views).

Let's see:

1. Ugh: 'repeat for i = 1 to 10' throws a bluey.

Oh, bu**er, I had forgotten that the Linux version of RunRev 4.0 has a serious SLOWNESS problem with the Dictionary; half a mo; turning on the Mac - boy, do I miss Bill Marriott.

Well, talk about "bloody silly"; here I am progging with RunRev on the Linux box while consulting
the RunRev dictionary on the Mac . . .  :)


2. repeat WITH . . . .

THAT could make all the difference: I'm off back to my padded cell.

repeat for i = 1 to 10
  put fld "Field"&  i of grp "AllFields" into tVar&  i
end repeat

I know that I've done this before, but so far I've yet to find the
right format that will not cause an error when compiling the script
-and- would greatly appreciate it if some kind soul would rescue me
from this madness.

Well; if it gives you any comfort at all (which it won't), yesterday I had
a "battle" as the script editor kept telling me a rather long and winding
script (about 500 lines) was alright everytime I compiled it.

However, when I tried to run the script it "threw a bluey" and opened
the script editor in that rather unhelpful way where it marks the problem
but doesn't allow you to edit it.

Just to make you feel even cosier; I find your script extremely difficult
to understand; not because there is anything at all intrinsically wrong
with it, but because my scripting method / style is totally different.

This is what I meant up the top there: RunRev can be used by lots of folk, all with highly individualised scripting styles - thus allowing great flexibility and folk who are not naturally "computery" to get up and running remarkably quickly. What is also means is that when it comes time for somebody to edit the scripts of the RunRev genius who went bonkers and is now locked up in a secure unit, they cannot get anywhere at all; or, prior to worrying about the algorhythmic aspects of the code they have to spend an awful long time
working out how the genius's mind worked vis-a-vis programming.
FWIW, I recently had another fifty-something birthday, so I'm blaming it
all on an increasing case of dementia. As in:

"Dementia (meaning "deprived of mind") is a serious loss of cognitive
ability in a previously unimpaired person, beyond what might be
expected from normal ..."

Well; speaking as a relative baby (48 last February) I ca cheerfully say:

1. My short term memory is already half-rotted.

2. I cannot tell you much about what is termed "long-term memory" as I don't seem to have one beyond a series of oft-repeated anecdotes which drive my teenage sons up the wall.

3. Having suffered from an element of creative insanity all my life a bit of "loss of
    cognitive ability" might not necessarily be all bad . . .  :)

So long and thanks for all the fish.
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